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Home » RawSEC Virtual Meetup #03

RawSEC Virtual Meetup #03

On the night of 27th of March 2021 at 8.30pm RawSEC gathered online again due to covid-19, holding the usual talks but without the pleasure of promotions, food, networking and hangout fun. Sadly this is the way until end of year when covid-19 finally disappears

in conjunction with International Women’s Day 2021 “Choose to Challenge” Date : Saturday 27 March 2021 Time : 08:30 pm Official rawSEC Youtube Channel :…
Speaker 1 : Mithra Ravendran Topic : Threat Intelligence : A peek under the hood
Speaker 2 : Norhayati Isa Topic : Cybersec practitioners’ secret weapon, Microsoft Excel for cybersecurity analytics work
Speaker 3 : Nur Dalila Rosli Topic : My years on performing web application security testing, the bad the good and the ugly.. #rawSEC#iwd2021

In my opinion, it should be made illegal to pay the ransom for ransomware for government and official organisations with penalties should they get hit and pay or fail to recover the data. This is the official stance of militaries and governments around the world in the case of ransom should a citizen be kidnapped. Its impossible to enforce this for private organisations or personal.

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