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Home » List of useful linux commands that i regularly use (in progress)

List of useful linux commands that i regularly use (in progress)

Mastering the terminal is important, but there are many utilities and command that make your job easier. Below i’ll list a few easy ways i use to manage linux severs

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Below are the list of utilities i reliably use to manage linux systems. I find teamviewer to be an unreliable way and windows RDP to be very vulnerable even to ransomware.

This utility is a very good balance between needing GUI without much complexity but requires installation on the linux system you are managing. It has binaries compatible with many linux distros and many different desktops or none (just applications with GUI over X) you can use based on whats installed on your linux system. The client is also compatible with different operating systems. Some linux distros have this in their package system while some require adding the repository manually.

The most used method of managing linux systems through the terminal. Long ago clients were hooked up to a mainframe and did no processing itself, only shows text and send inputs so this method is very very old but the most useful. Its highly recommended to change your SSH port and on windows you’ll be using putty to connect. This is one of the basic secure ways to many any linux system. In the past telnet was used If you need to find out how to use a command or its arguments, just type -h or help command

Useful common Terminal Commands
> ls -l
Lists files and folders in the current directory with their permissons and owners
> du -hs <directory>
Lists the size of a file/directory
Lists the space usage of drives/partition in a compact and easy way
remove a file or folder
Used to move files/folders but also to rename them in the process

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